Info: The original Megaroids was written in Megamax C:
Bounds: x1=5, y1=35, x2=405, y2=66
Type: -120
Info: The Megamax C compiler is full K & R + common extensions. It's features include:
Bounds: x1=15, y1=75, x2=385, y2=156
Type: -120
Info: Full floating point, one pass compilation, optimized for 68000, smart linker (only loads library routines called), librarian, dynamic overlays, creates stand alone Mac applications, in-line assembly language, batch facility, nothing left to buy.
Bounds: x1=5, y1=165, x2=125, y2=181
Type: -120
Info: No liscence fees.
Bounds: x1=5, y1=205, x2=130, y2=271
Type: -120
Info: Megamax Inc. P. O. Box 851521 Richardson, TX 75085-1521 (214) 987-4931
Bounds: x1=175, y1=165, x2=395, y2=196
Type: -120
Info: For hardcopy of ORIGINAL source send $25 to:
Bounds: x1=175, y1=205, x2=290, y2=271
Type: -120
Info: Megamax Inc. P. O. Box 31294 Dallas, TX 75231-0294